What Is Visual Music?

Coming soon. In the meantime we refer you to CVM's online library, where you can findl texts by authors discussing the varied definitions of Visual Music.


Selected Bibliography from CVM

Coming soon.


Selected Bibliography from Symposium speakers, cited in their abstracts and talks.

Apollinaire, Guillaume. Apollinaire on Art: Essays and Reviews 1902-1918, LeRoy C. Breunig (editor), Boston: MFA Publications, 2001.

Brick, Richard. “John Whitney Interview.” Film Culture, Spring 1972, ed. Jonas Mekas.New York: Film Culture, 1972.

Daniels, Dieter. “Hybrids of Art, Science, Technology, Perception, Entertainment and Commerce at the Interface of Sound and Vision.” Audiovisuology 2: Histories and Theories of Audiovisual Media and Art, edited by Dieter Daniels and Sandra Naumann. Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König, 2011.

DeWitt, Tom. Visual Music: Searching for an Aesthetic. Leonardo, MIT Press, 20/2 (April 1987).   http://staff.pccu.edu.tw/~tdl/VisualMusic.pdf

Evans, Brian. Foundations of a Visual Music. Computer Music Journal, 29/4 (2005).

Fletcher, Paul. An Abstract Narrative Form of Film. Thesis submitted, Master of Film and Television, VCA Film and Television, The Faculty of the Victorian College of the Arts, The University of Melbourne. Dec 2008

Greenewalt, Mary Hallock. Nourathar: The Art of Light-Color Playing.Philadelphia: Westbrook Publishing, 1946.

High, Kathy, Sherry Miller Hocking and Mona Jimenez. The Emergence of Video Processing Tools, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Chicago: Intellect, the University of Chicago Press, 2014.

Kandinsky, Wassily. Point and Line to Plane. New York: Dover Publications, 1979.

Keefer, Cindy and J. Guldemond, eds. Oskar Fischinger, 1900-1967: Experiments in Cinematic Abstraction,  Amsterdam and Los Angeles: EYE Filmmuseum and Center for Visual Music, 2013.  

McLaren, Norman. Technical Notes by Norman McLaren (1933-1984). National Film Board of Canada, Montreal, 2006.

McWilliams, Donald. Norman McLaren: On the Creative Process. National Film Board of Canada, Montreal, 1991.

Mekas, Jonas. “The Return of James Whitney,” Soho News Weekly, May 12, 1977. Volume 4, No.32.

Moritz, William. “The Dream of Color Music and the Machines That Made it Possible.” Animation World Magazine (April 1997). CVM NOTE: Contains errata

Moritz, William. “Abstract film and Color-Music,” in The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985, New York: Abbeville Press, 1986  (LACMA ex cat).   

Moritz, William. “Towards a Visual Music,” Cantrills Filmnotes, 47-48 (August 1985). 

Moritz. “Towards an Aesthetic of Visual Music.” Asifa Canada (Montreal: ASIFA Canada), 14.3 (1986), Online at CVM's Library

Mumford, Lewis. Technics and Civilization, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1934.

Orgeman, Keely, James Turrell et al, Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017.

Peacock, Kenneth. "Instruments to Perform Color-Music: Two Centuries of Technological Exploration." Leonardo, 21/4 (1988).
Pierre, Arnauld. “La ‘Musique des couleurs’ au cinéma: Chromophonie de Charles Blanc-Gatti,” Les Cahiers du Mnam 94 (Winter 2005/2006).

Putnam, Samuel. The Glistening Bridge: Leopold Survage and the Spatial Problem in Painting, New York: Covici-Friede, 1929.

Teramaye, Takashi, Unpublished interview with James Whitney, “Towards Being Choicelessly Aware, Conversations with James Whitney” 1974. The Edmund Teske Papers, Special Collections, Getty Research Institute (Also in the Moritz Collection at Center for Visual Music).

Whitney, John. 1980. Digital Harmony: On the Complimentarity of Music and Visual Art. Peterborough New Hampshire: Byte Books/McGraw-Hill, 1980.  

Youngblood, Gene. Expanded Cinema, New York: E.P Dutton, 1970.





Fischinger, Oskar - papers at Center for Visual Music. Online Research Site

Greenewalt, Mary Hallock – papers at The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

Wilfred, Thomas. Thomas Wilfred Papers, Yale University Library.


About Center for Visual Music

CVM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit archive devoted to visual music, experimental animation and abstract media. CVM's archives house the world's largest collection of visual music resources. The collections include film/video/digital media and related papers, books, monographs, artwork, animation process materials, documentation, photography, equipment and artifacts. CVM owns the films and papers of Oskar Fischinger, plus many animation drawings, and the original research collection of animation historian William Moritz. Film preservation is a core part of CVM's mission. CVM's films, programs, and presentations are regularly featured at museum exhibitions, cinematheques, universities, archives and symposia worldwide.

CONTACT US: cvmaccess(at)gmail.com
Box 39527, Los Angeles, CA 90039