2014 Benefit Auction
Christina McPhee
11 x 14 inches each, suite of six images
Inkjet Prints, unframed
1/3, Edition of 3 + AP
Courtesy the Artist
Starting bid: $600
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Email your bid to cvmaccess (at) gmail.com
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Edition of 6 + AP / suite of six images / signed and dated in graphite by the artist
Each 11 x 14 inches / 28 x 35.5 cm
These images are video stills from the multiple-projector, multiscreen performance work Carbon Song Cycle (2013), called "Carbon A Geodata." The video is designed to run behind a scrim, in rear projection; while, in front projection onto the scrim, the live performance drawing "Carbon A" is performed.
Carbon Song Cycle is a multimedia chamber work by composer/performer Pamela Z and video artist Christina McPhee, which has been performed in Berkeley and New York. The work, scored for voice & electronics, bassoon, viola, cello, percussion, and multi-channel video, includes texts, melodic motifs and images derived from scientific data concerning the carbon cycle, and stories related to environmental balance and imbalance.
Christina McPhee: Artist Statement on Carbon Song Cycle and related environmental cinema works.