Membership Premiums 2023
Join Center for Visual Music or Renew Your Membership Today!
All Members Receive:
--Expedited Processing of Research Requests
--Special offers to purchase books and DVDs; special Members-only sales
--Invitations to special viewings, events, talks and lectures
--Participation in Members Only online discussion group, where you can publicize your own work, receive advance news of events, exhibitions, screenings, research and publications signficant to the field, and DVD releases, and participate in discussions on various visual music-related topics.
--Discounts and/or free image licenses for their publications
--Members at $125 Friend level and above receive free tickets to CVM screenings/events/exhibitions and other benefits. Members at lower levels receive a free ticket to CVM screenings.
$25 - Student Level, Seniors and Disabled
$50 - General Member - 1 free ticket to selected CVM screenings/events
$125 - Friend Level - 2 free tickets to CVM events or screenings, and choice of one of the following:
BOOK: Evers, Frans. The Academy of the Senses: Synesthetics in Science, Art and Education. Edited by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, Joost Rekveld, Eric Parren. The Hague:ArtScience Interfaculty Press, 2012. 300 pages, English, paperback. A study of the scientific approaches to synesthesia, related to the psycho-physical research conducted by Evers during his studies at the university; an alternative art history of the twentieth century based on the double paradigm of Castel’s clavecin oculaire and Wagner’s Gesamtkunstwerk; and a full account of the genesis of the Interfaculty Image & Sound. To encompass this entire range of subject, Evers coined a new term, “synesthetics,” to denote the experience, creative force, and study of synesthesia. Provides anyone with an interest in the wondrous realm of multimedia arts and synesthesia as a creative force, whether student or professional, an introduction into the foundations and extensions of seeing sound and hearing colors throughout the centuries.
DVD: One of the following CVM DVDs: Oskar Fischinger: Visual Music DVD (OR) Oskar Fischinger: Ten Films DVD
One Vintage Fischinger card or promotional ad with a Fischinger painting image (while supplies last):
L to R: (A) Red Bowl promo emphemera, with text inside. Center, (B) Greeting Card, blank inside. Right, (C) ad for painting, single sided.
Vintage 13-page Program notes/brochure from William Moritz/Elfriede Fischinger's 1972 European tour: Oskar Fischinger and West Coast Filmmakers with an extensive Oskar Fischinger program, and three separate "West Coast Underground" film programs. Includes Fischinger chronology, and film descriptions for films including Lapis, Eneri, Allures, Radio Dynamics, 7362, Waterfall (Chick Strand), EF (J. Reidel) and more. German language.
$200 - Patron Level - Choice of one of the following:
James Whitney/William Moritz "Lapis" poster for 1977 Los Angeles County Museum of Art series, "A James Whitney Retrospective," guest curator William Moritz. Reverse has text by Moritz and others about James Whitney’s films. Shipped rolled, in tube.
"Mandala for CVM." Poster, 24x20 inches, archival pigment print, by Michael Friend. Signed. Edition of 10. NO LONGER AVAILABLE, but a smaller 11 x 17 poster version is available, numbered limited edition, on poster stock.
Choice of two of CVM's DVD releases: Oskar Fischinger VIsual Music DVD or Oskar Fischinger: Ten Films DVD, or Robert Seidel DVD OR one DVD and a vintage promotional Fischinger card (see above category) While supplies last.
$500 - Benefactor Level - One CVM Fischinger or Belson DVD, plus one of the following:
Oskar Fischinger silk scarf. This beautiful handmade 36-inch square silk scarf was produced exclusively for the Whitney Museum Store and is a stunning reproduction of a still from Oskar Fischinger's Raumlichtkunst which was reconstructed/restored by the Center for Visual Music. (photo, courtesy Whitney Museum). FULL VIEW OF SCARF. This scarf retails for $98 at The Whitney Museum, New York. Based on image from center panel of Raumlichtkunst - installation shot below, Whitney Museum, 2012. Photo (c) CVM. While supplies last.
Signed copy of "Optical Poetry: The Life and Work of Oskar Fischinger," biography by William Moritz. Signed by Moritz in early 2004. Moritz was Fischinger's biographer, who worked with The Fischinger Archive and Elfriede Fischinger for over 3 decades until his death in 2004. One available.
Trustees Council Member
An annual commitment of $1000 or more, please contact us to discuss.
$5000 Angel Level
Premium: Inclusion in the Trustees Council, a Fischinger boxed coaster set and a Fischinger silk scarf. Plus a Fischinger or Whitney piece of ephemera (some are described above). Inquire.
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Contact us at cvmaccess (at) gmail dot com
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